About the project

The project "Effective Entrepreneur Incubator" with the number RPWP.01.03.02-30-0004/18 is being implemented under sub-measure 1.3.2 Improving the quality of services for business incubation, action 1.3. Support for entrepreneurship and infrastructure for economic development, Priority Axis 1: Innovative and Competitive Economy.
The main objective
The main objective of the project is to promote entrepreneurship by facilitating the economic use of new ideas and fostering the creation of new businesses. This will be achieved through the implementation of intermediate project goals, which include:
- Establishment of a new headquarters for the Business Environment Institution of the Wielkopolska School of Entrepreneurship (Systemic School of Entrepreneurship)
- Launch of a package of support services for newly established and young companies
- Enhancement of the innovation of enterprises in the Wielkopolska region through cooperation with other business environment institutions, research and development centers, universities, and local government authorities
- Overcoming barriers to cooperation between enterprises and scientific institutions
- Establishment of a network of cooperating entities
- Launch of a package of support services for newly established, young companies and companies seeking a successor
- Improvement of access to modern IT equipment and specialized software
- Implementation of activities supporting the transfer of innovation and technology from the scientific sector to business
- Enhancement of the innovation of enterprises in the Wielkopolska region through networking of entities
- Ensuring favorable conditions for developing and disseminating new solutions in the area of improving quality of life and health services, including the creation and development of entities from the so-called third sector
- Introduction of new and innovative products and services to the market
- Achieving synergy effects within the developed project standards and their support
- Limiting the risk associated with independent introduction of innovative services or products by incubator participants
- Increasing the knowledge and skills resources of incubator members
- Facilitating cooperation between incubator members and external institutions
- Facilitating informal contacts and access to scientific, technical, and business information.
The primary goal is to increase the competitiveness of business entities and the business environment in the region based on the level and scope of cooperation and promoting forms of cooperation based on the idea of the Incubator.
The Incubator will contribute to the development of conditions for the emergence of innovation and significant progress in the development of business entities.
Planned effects
As part of the project, a building for the Effective Entrepreneur Incubator will be created. Thanks to the support from EU funds, advanced services will be provided by the business environment institution:
- Pro-innovation services
- Advisory services
- Training services
- Informational services
- Office space rental services and administrative services
The package of services will be dedicated to the target groups defined below::
- Individuals, including young people, who want to start or run their own business
- Individuals who want to pass on their business to good hands and do not have successors within the family
- Individuals who want to start their own business in the third sector
Project value: 5 930 684,85 PLN
Contribution from European Funds: 3 891 890,75 PLN